Tahira's Story

From personal setbacks to beauty entrepreneur.

May 30, 2023
The image for the You Make It post, Tahira.

Images and names have been changed to provide anonymity but our stories are real.

When Tahira joined to YMI programme things looked pretty bleak. She had grown up in an abusive home environment and was suffering from depression.

Tahira’s ambition was to launch a make-up business but she didn’t know where to start and the struggle to come to terms with her past was holding her back personally and professionally.

YMI accepted Tahira on to the programme and immediately made a referral for her to receive free therapy which would enable her to process her past and move forward. Combined with programme activities YMI enabled Tahira to go from strength to strength.

Succeeding as a winner of our Ladies’ Den Business Pitch Competition was a huge achievement for Tahira but perhaps most importantly of all, she now feels happier and more confident as a result of the personal development she has done with us.

Tahira now makes a living juggling a freelance make-up career with a promoted management position, both of which give her much joy.

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